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A Delegation of Cultural and Education Cooperation Department of the French Embassy in China Visits HGU

pubdate : 2017-06-16 17:04:04     source :     author :

On June 5, a delegation of Cultural and Educational Cooperation Department of the French Embassy in China, together with officers from Hebei Foreign Affair Office and Hebei Education Department visited our university. President Wang Fengming, and Vice-President Zhang Xiaoping met and spoke with them. Zhang Xiaoping presided at the meeting.

After welcoming the delegation from the French Embassy in China and appreciating the support from Hebei Foreign Affair Office and Hebei Education Department, Wang Fengming introduced HGU, especially our French Department, the faculty training and students’ study abroad in France, hoping that this visit could reinforce our connection with France in talents exchanging, joint education etc.

Mr. Mathieu Ausseil, Vice-Commissioner of Education Cooperation, presented the work of Education Cooperation Department of the French Embassy in China, showing that they are planning to further extend their collaboration with the universities in Hebei province and will actively help us to establish cooperating relations with more universities in France.

The two sides achieved initial intent of cooperation in many fields.

The delegation visited our Geo-Science Museum and delivered a lecture on the higher education system in France.

上一条:HGU Involves in the organization of the Conference on Nihewan Fauna and Quaternary Geology 下一条:A Delegation of Troy University Visits HGU
