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A Delegation of Troy University Visits HGU

pubdate : 2017-06-15 09:25:00     source :     author :

On June 9, a delegation, including Mr. Curtis Porter, Vice-President of Troy University, Ms. Zhao Zhijie, Director of Troy University’s Beijing Office, and Mr. Dong Xiaojian, Director of International Exchange Center of Hebei Education Department visited HGU. Our Vice-President Zhang Xiaoping met and spoke with the delegation. Liao Yibin, Director of International Education Exchange Center presided at the meeting.

This was the second visit of Troy University. Zhang Xiaoping extended a warm welcome to them and presented the development and achievements of our university during the past few years. She hoped that this visit could help the two sides reach further agreements on joint education and faculty and students exchanging, boosting the cooperation and communication.

On appreciating our welcome, Mr. Porter gave a brief introduction of their international collaboration and students employment. He also expressed his hope for further cooperation, rationally utilizing the teaching and researching resources of both sides.

The two universities had deep discussion on the talent cultivation, joint education, faculty training and students exchanging on majors such as Accounting, Business and Foreign Language, further confirming the coordinating issues.

上一条:A Delegation of Cultural and Education Cooperation Department of the French Embassy in China Visits HGU 下一条:A Delegation of the University of Central Lancashire Visits HGU
