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The Vice-Minister of Education Department of Czech Republic Visits HGU

pubdate : 2017-10-30 09:55:11     source :     author :

On October 24, a delegation of Czech Republic, headed by Dana Prudíková, Vice-Minister of Education Department of Czech Republic, visited our university. Head of University Council Li Jun, President Wang Fengming and Vice-President Zhang Xiaoping met with them.

On behalf of all the faculty and students of the university, Li Jun extended warm welcome to the delegation. Afterwards, Wang Fengming presented all the achievements we have obtained since the establishment of Czech Research Center and the major of Czech language. Ms. Dana showed great pleasure on knowing the excellent results achieved by the exchange between Chinese and Czech universities. She said she would like to provide more opportunities for the cooperation of colleges and universities of the two countries.

In the afternoon, the delegation visited the museums of our university and had a conversation with the students studying Czech language and the teachers who were going to do the PhD in Czech Republic.

Ms. Dana and Mr. Ondřej Wágner, Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in China, introduced the study of Czech language and the education system of Czech Republic, encouraging the students to study hard and know more about the culture of Czech Republic. During the meeting, the delegation answered the questions raised by the students patiently.

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